Yet another performance where we embarrass ourselves onstage in front of thousands of students! This one comes complete with Christmas carols!
In the end, we had a lot of fun with this performance, but it was kind of a rocky road getting here. All our problems came from the administration, of course. If you've been reading my blog you know how much I LOVE the administration at this school, but this time was particularly frustrating. When starting this blog, I wanted to record the good and the bad of my experience here, so if you read further, be prepared for a heated rant:
About a month and a half ago, the school asked us to put together a skit/dance/song performance for Christmas Eve. Now, performing on a stage is not exactly on my list of fun activities for Christmas, but the students always love it, so we agreed. After a lot of stress over the last performance due to miscommunication, we asked a lot of questions about this one before creating our act. They told us they wanted it to be ten minute long, they wanted singing and dancing, they wanted it to be about Christmas, and they wanted us to lip sync. So we put together a performance that did all of these things. Brenna didn't want to sing, so she read from the poem and danced while the rest of us recorded ourselves beforehand (which was a very complicated process), and figured out dances to go with our songs. Some of us even spent a whole day in Chengdu finding costumes, such as the angel wings and the bow ties. Then we canceled a previously planned trip to Emei Mountain so that we could practice it this weekend and get it perfect before Christmas Eve. In the end, we had five songs, and a pretty good little show.
Then, at the dress rehearsal, we hit a few small snags. First of all, when we went up to rehearse (in front of all of the other acts, so we had a pretty large audience), the sound crew played our songs completely out of order, even though we had given them the impossibly clear names of Track 1, Track 2, Track 3, Track 4, and Track 4. So they cycled through all of our songs, making it embarrassingly clear that we were lip syncing, before figuring out the correct order. Finally, we got the sound all figured out and went through our routine. It went off without a hitch, and we left the stage feeling confident and satisfied with our performance...only to find out that suddenly the administration thought it was "too long". Even though they had specifically asked us for ten minutes, they now wanted it cut down to five.
We were beyond frustrated. We had spent a LOT of time getting these songs ready. We had canceled a planned trip to perfect them. And now, for no substantial reason they wanted us to completely scrap two of the songs. The best explanation we got was that they expected it to be more "active". I'm sorry, I thought I was hired to be a teacher, not a singer/dancer/performer.
Anyways, they told us all this the night before our actual performance, so we had to spend the next day figuring out what song to cut, how to change our entrances and exits, and revising choreography so that it could all tie together without the two other songs. But we did succeed, as you can see, and the students thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, the only complaint I heard from one student was that it was too short! Hah!