Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Q&A With Nick

1. Before you arrived in China, what were some things you were expecting about the country and culture?
I expected more of the country to be westernized, which only proved to be true in the major city of Chengdu.

2. What were some of  your first impressions of China?
Weird smells, honking, spitting, feeling lost not speaking a single word of their language, being stared at, delicious food

3. What was one thing you really enjoyed about China?
It has got to be the food :)

3a. What was your favorite food that you tried?
Duck hot-pot soup, soup pot. (This is where there is a large, boiling pot of soup in the middle of a table with two whole ducks inside. You can add in whatever veggies you choose, and eat them out of the pot as they are cooked.)
The family style food is also delicious, and it's fun to share because you get to try a lot of different things. And the fried rice with chewy tofu.

4. What was one thing you did NOT enjoy about China?
The constant honking and ineffectiveness at organizing traffic and queues. 

5. What was a misconception you had about China that was proved wrong after visiting?
I expected rude and pushy behavior. it also surprised me that there are vast regions with a majority of people that have never interacted with a non-Chinese person in their lifetime.

6. What was your most memorable part of your trip in China?
The interaction between the Tibetan and Han culture in Kanging and the unbelievable life in Tagong. I was especially surprised that their extremely rural life has persisted for so long. Also the feeling of being alien and just observing them at their everyday life.

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